About Us

About Us

About Us

Rhode Island Grows is poised to be the largest producer of fresh vegetables in the
Rhode Island Tri-State market. Current agreements in place with vendors assure an
outlet for all grown produce. Being situated within the New York and Boston
metropolitan area commands a 47 million-customer market base. The short
transportation distance also allows for ultra-fresh produce delivered the same day as
harvest that could not be accomplished otherwise. This plan includes the basis to
construct state of the art greenhouses to maximize yield per square foot and the optimal
germplasm suited to maximize profitability. The greenhouse complex will utilize the
best energy capture resources available, including geothermal, solar and a bio-digester.
The complexes will also provide for valuable Research and Development space with
collaborators for new varietal development and testing. Value added operations to the
sites will also include farms markets and food hub for other farmers to participant in
and sell their products. The technologies and production strategies for Rhode Island
Grows are based solidly on well-established successful Companies. Greenhouse grown
produce can now be found in leading grocers throughout North America. The success
of this growth is attributable to excellent greenhouse and production technologies,
superior germplasm for various markets, and high quality personnel.

Our Mission

To bring innovation to Rhode Island Agriculture by leading the Northeast in wealth creation through sustainable advanced technologies, acumen, food security, and the development of nutritious local varietals.

About Us

Rhode Island Grows is poised to be the largest producer of fresh vegetables in the Rhode Island Tri-State market.


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